Always and Forever... and no matter what!

... our lives as we walk through this journey hand in hand...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ok, so a little about me...

Ok so I'm up late... once again. I'm always up late... what can I say I am a night owl! Anyways... I have been totally creeping on other peoples blogs and I have decided it's fun to read random facts about someone you didn't know. So maybe I'll go ahead and make that my second blog! That's right... I'm already tempting to make another blog! Oh man... I'm on a roll! hahaha
So here are some random things about me you might not already know!

I hope you are excited! hahaha
Oh and no these are totally not in order... just jottin them down as I think of them!

1. I'm totally ADD! Ok so if you know me that might not really be a random fact... I guess that one is really obvious. Oh well!

2. I LOVE to dance! I'm so nerdy though... I don't just listen to music like normal people, I usually have to come up with some on the spot dance routine to it... even if it's in my head! hahaha, well with the dance songs at least. I also find myself lip syncing to songs in the mirror with a brush or whatever is available. I'm so cool I know!

3. Music reflects my moods. Honestly it does! You can always tell Nadia's mood by the type of music I have playing. I usually have music going on around me through out my day. It's kinda like my own back ground theme music to my life! hahaha

4. My fave number is 18. I can still remember the day that I decided it was too. I was in grade 4 and I had the HUGEST crush on a boy named Danny and his joursey number for hockey was 18.... and it just kinda stuck through out the years!

5. I hate the feeling of makeup foundation on my hands... sick!

6. I love blue candies... blue raspberry candies to be exact! Blue ring pops have got to be the most delicious candies EVER!

7. Im allergic to red dye. That is right... red dye! Lame, I know! But the weirdest part is the reaction I get when I eat enough of it... it punches me drunk! So red kool-aid... is pretty much vodka to me!

8. I am obsessed with pictures! I love taking them, I love being in them and I love looking at them! I feel like they are journals of life. I love how when I am looking at them I can recall awesome, silly, awkward, strange, random and hilarious stories or moments!

9. Watermelon makes my tummy feel weird. That's random right?!

10. I have a blue dotted scar above my left eye from poking myself in the eye with a pencil. You see... I was 3 and my new nephew Kerry was being born in Golden and I was excited to make him a present! So I decided to make him a pair of pants out of paper... well in the process I landed on a pencil. So I guess you could say my scar is turning 21 in may!

11. I love meerkats. I want one!

12. I love high school musical! I can admit it! hahaha I love musicals! I wish my life could be a musical!... I'm not joking...

13. I'm scared of the dark

14. I am really good at "kick the can"!

15. my nick name is Nads... and I am pretty sure I have heard every joke that could go with it. hahaha

16. I use to be a skater... as in a skateboarder. I secretly always wanted to open my own skate store and have my own skate clothing line... that would be AWESOME!

17. Im such a perfectionist! It's sooooo annoying. If I can't master something on my first try it ticks me off and I usually give it up and never try it again.

18. I love keeping my nails short and painted dark colours. Not cause I'm a goth but cause I think it looks so classy! But chipped nail polish is a pet peeve.

19. My fave band of all time is Our Lady Peace.

20. I love to organize files and papers... I actually love doing it! That's something nerdy about me.

21. I have a hard time killing insects. Don't get me wrong... I hate most of them... but I always feel bad for their little families and stuff. I know pathetic right?!

22. I love flat cold root beer. The fizz hurts my belly.

Ok this list is just getting really long!... I'm sure I could think of more... but ya... I think I'm done for now.
I'm wondering how long this thing will be when I publish it. Oh well!
I guess I should go to bed... I have a house to pack in the morning and a baby to play with!
Alrighty... until next time!!! hahaha


  1. I love learning about you Nads. And it makes me feel pretty special that I already knew a lot of those facts :)
    LOOOOOOOVE that you have a blog now, better keep it updated while your gone! Or else.....jks, but just please do.

  2. haha cuteee! i like giving up on things when i cant get them right, first off too! lol, thats probably a terrible quality, but i just want to be good the first time. loveee the blog!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging! (don't mind me....I'm just blog stalking- actually I saw your comment on I guess I'm not that creepy;)

  4. Im so excited to see my blog isnt a total bore! hahaha. I never really thought past setting up the blog... so when I went to write a post I didnt really know what to put up. Hopefully as time goes on my blog will look cooler and my posts will be more interesting! Thanks for checkin out my blog ladies!!!

  5. As someone who's been a blogger since before it was called blogging (you young'ens, it was called "online journalling!"), I will say that if someone wanted their blog to be private, it would be. It's not creepy to read blogs; there are several ways to keep a blog/journal private online so only certain people can read them -- if you can get to it and read it, it's fair game in my opinion! My first ever online journal was a "diaryland" one back in 1999 I believe!

    It's neat getting to know you Nadia! I will give you one word of advice, as I did use blogspot for a while (those entries got all transferred to my personal domain years ago, which is why my blogspot is empty) -- these interfaces to write blogs in have habits of losing entries! Write your entry in notepad or word first, save it and then copy & paste it into the blogspot uploading thing. I can't tell you the number of entries that I have had get lost over the years due to the internet having a hiccup when I've clicked post entry! =)

  6. Thanks for the tips Kaye! Ummm how do I make my blog private so creepy people can't get on to it? And good thinking about saving the posts in word first! Thanks!

  7. Honestly, I don't remember for blogspot. Part of the reason I left blogspot is because blogspot is run by google, and well... everything put on it is indexed into google if it's not private. I still have a livejournal account, I know with those ones you can make the entries "friends only" but the downside is that everyone who reads your journal on livejournal also has to have a livejournal account AND be on your friends list to see all those locked entries.

    Google around, I'm sure you can find a way to password-protect your entries if you want it private, then you just have to give the password to the people you want to have access!
